Untitled Document

Pre-registration and abstract submisson 

Authors are encouraged to register and to submit abstracts using ONLINE REGISTRATION no later than September 20, 2008. 

Abstracts should be submitted in English, in electronic format, as a *.doc file (1 A4 page, font Times New Roman, size 12 and line spacing "single") to the address of the ATEE Secretariat

It is also possible to make a pre-registration with submission of abstracts via e-mail: atee2008@elth.pub.ro. In that case please fill in the subject filed with PREREGISTRATION word and provide information according as follows in the content of e-mail: 

Mailing address

The following information is requested with the PRE-REGISTRATION FORM for participants willing to submit a paper.

Paper title
Authors and Affiliations
Main Topic
Contact  person
(name, title, mailing address, E-mail, phone, fax )
 Abstract limited to 1 page (A4, including text, results, figures etc.) ---> attached

Please return the Pre-Registration Form and the Abstract to the Secretariat before September 20, 2008.